Partners (institutional) name German Society of Social Pediatrics
Role in the project Operational project partner
Responsible person (for the project) Privatdozentin Dr. med. Heike Philippi
Address Chausseestraße 128/129, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Homepage http://www.dgspj.de
Main activity in the project
Main area of work concerning ICF-CY and Social Paediatrics The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialpädiatrie und Jugendmedizin (DGSPJ, www.dgspj.de) is the national professional scientific association which is responsible for the quality management of in the 143 SPZ in Germany. SPZs are ambulatory out-patient medical centres with in which an interdisciplinary working teams (medical doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, educationists, social workers) which examinees, gives give medical advices, counsels and by all means support s children (age 0-18 years) with developmental needs, neurological diseases and disabilities. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialpädiatrie und Jugendmedizin (DGSPJ, www.dgspj.de) is the national professional scientific association which is responsible for the quality management of in the 143 SPZ in Germany.

ICFCY-Meduse Project

