Partners (institutional) name German association of interdisciplinary early childhood intervention
Role in the project Operational project partner
Responsible person (for the project) Andrea Caby, Gitta Hüttmann
Address Siedlstraße 18 A/I, D – 80335 München, Germany
Main activity in the project
Main area of work concerning ICF-CY and Social Paediatrics VIFF e.V. is a registered charitable nationwide working association with special focus on promoting multiprofessional work in the field of early childhood diagnosis, intervention and therapy. Its number of members: 630. VIFF e.V., established in 1983, is a member of Eurlyaid ( VIFF is a national roof organisation, mainly in the field of Early Intervention. The aim of VIFF is to promote nationwide (DE) the idea of multiprofessional Early Childhood Intervention, define quality standards (see Positionspapiere der VIFF) including quality standards concerning training and implementation of ICF in eraly childhood intervention centers in Germany. VIFF was involved in the development of “ICF.-Alterslisten”, special age related checklists for the use of ICF in the field of children and youth (see DIMDI-project) and currently develops an ICF-CY curriulum in order to establish standard for educating the use of ICF in early childhood intervention centers in Germany

ICFCY-Meduse Project
