Project Outcomes

ICF-CY Practice Translator

The ICF-CY Practice translator is an electronic tool to increase the usage of ICF-CY in clinical practice. 

Features will include “context-sensitive search functions” and participant-to-participant learning functions (to learn through practicing with others)

ICF-CY blended training platform

ICF-CY blended training platform is a multifunctional online tool implemented as a set of integrated database to facilitate and support "comparable" standardized training activities within the field of social pediatric care and Early Childhood Intervention.

ICF-CY online training passport

ICF-CY online training passport is an online tool to enable the generation of individual training passports for professionals as well as standardised ICF-CY trainer certificates for trainers based on the online assessment / certification of an individual training portfolio. 

The methodology foresees self-assessment as well as external assessment up to certification by a certification commission.

ICFCY-Meduse Project
