Project Overview


ICF-CY-MedUse is a European project within the frame of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships. From 1.9.2015 till 30.8.2018 the project focuses on increasing knowledge and usage of the ICF-CY within Social Pediatric care and Early Childhood Intervention Services.


The international Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, WHO 2001) is a classification system used to describe impairments, limitations but also facilitators/abilities of persons with disability (PwD) providing a common language for professionals in multisectors  (MD, nurses, therapists, psychologists, educators, EQF 4-8) .


ICF-CY-Med-use increases the key competences of diagnostic, evaluation and documentation skills of transdisciplinary services for young persons wD by providing training on a COMMON international language to be used by professionals. 

ICF-CY Med-use is in line with political strategies to increase the quality of work for PwD and their quality of life/employability transferring existing initiatives into "practice" by 
  •  increasing skills through on-the-job-peer-to-peer learning  (p2p) - learning outcome and EQF-oriented, level 4-8 in Health and labour market sector
  • Transferring curricula (VIFF, DGSP) into online tools to reach more professionals
  • increasing learning outcomes through trainer-certificatio
  • Transferring existing ICT-tools into easy clinical routines (level 4 to 8) 
  • Bridging the gap between medical system and labour market to decrease learning disparities 
  • Learning from best practice

ICFCY-Meduse Project
