ICF-CY MedUse News Blog

Final Conference ICF-CY Meduse in Hamburg

Within the context of an International Conference on ICF the final conference of our Erasmus+ Project ICF-CY Meduse took place in Hamburg, between April, 12-13th 2018.

For further Information (e.g. poster Submission) please contact janneke.brandt@medicalschool-Hamburg.de

   Author: Janneke Brandt; Last edited: 2018-11-13 09:18:26

Open call for Abstracts within the 2018 international Conference in Hamburg

Final 'Meduse Multiplier Conference'

Please find the open call for Abstracts here


   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2018-01-02 13:15:28

Orginalton-Rückmeldungen der TeilnehmerInnen mit Beeinträchtigungen am ICF-CY Multiplierevent,

23.12.2016, ATEMPO, Graz

„Es war interessant“

„War gut und hat auch Spaß gemacht“

„Mir hat es gut gefallen“

„War gemütlich“

„Es war sehr informativ und man konnte dadurch sehr viel Neues erfahren und dazulernen“

„War eine neue Erfahrung für mich“

„War sehr interessant und habe Neues dazugelernt“

„Es war sehr interessant und ja“

„Es hat mir sehr gut gefallen über die Gesundheit und das alles zu reden“

„Welche Probleme man hat, es war interessant über die Gedanken zu sprechen, damit man etwas dazulernt.“

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-12-15 12:34:55

ICF-CY to be used by adolescents with disability by themselves (within a German Version)

ICF-CY Meduse also focuses on the Transition of Young persons from the School Systems towards the labour market. In this context the Project created an ICF-CY Version (mainly the components 'd' (participation) and 'e' (Environment) which can be used by the adolescent Person with disability by him/herself to desribe and assess his/her need of support.

The selected d-items (mainly based on the Age list of Amorosa/Keller 2012) therefore focuse on support: 'I need support e.g. while I communicate with others'. Within the next step WHO qualifier ares supposed to assess the amount of support by the adolescent him/herself.

The e-categories adress relevant Areas, whether they are assessed as supportive or as barriers. This amended Version will be tested in december 2016 in Graz with adolescents. For further Information contact Manfred Pretis Office@sinn-evaluation.at

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-11-19 19:41:34

Fanily friendy - easy reading Version of ICF-CY in Macedonian available

Based on the joint efforts of Aleksandra Dimova and Katerina Todorova we are able to present also a Family-friendly Macedonian Version of ICF-CY. This idea adresses the sometimes technocratic language of ICF-CY and that parents might have difficulties to understand what the items are about.

To find this Version, click on the Macedonian flag including the word 'EASY'


   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-11-19 19:34:58

Alpha-Version of ICF-CY Practice Translator Available

A first alpha version of the practice translator tool is now available under 'Tools'. (English language only.)

Go to practice translator

   Author: Willi Stadler; Last edited: 2016-09-21 13:05:32

Basecamp Project Management started

The project management tool basecamp has ben setup by Manfred and all shoud have got invitations !

   Author: Willi Stadler; Last edited: 2016-09-21 13:03:37

ICF MedUse presented at the 2015 ESRC Festival of Social Sciences, University of Roehampton, London

   Author: Susana Castro; Last edited: 2015-12-15 11:46:09

Kickoff Meeting Social Dinner

Sunday, October 4th, 2015: 8 project participants met for dinner and besides socialising there were already a lot of thematic discussions...

   Author: Willi Stadler; Last edited: 2015-10-15 11:39:28

Project Kickoof meeting in Skopje

The ICF-CY-MedUse project kickooff meeting will take place from October 5th to 7th in Skopje, Macedonia.

The meeting results will be published asap !

   Author: Willi Stadler; Last edited: 2015-10-05 14:14:54

Website Online

The project website for ICF-CY-MedUse is now online !

   Author: Willi Stadler; Last edited: 2015-10-05 14:14:39

Evaluation Report of Multiplier Events is available

369 persons attended 19 multiplier events in 6 countries (UK 1, Germany 6, Austria 6, Italy 1, Macedonia 1, Turkey 4. The multiplier events covered one or multiple topics related to the ICF-CY (e.g. general introduction, hands-on training, online tools, exchange of implementation experiences, training curricula).

Results about use, needs and further strategies are now available: 


   Author: Peer Glaser; Last edited: 2018-01-10 13:22:37

Teilnahme von Manfred Pretis am WHO Technical Meeting zum Thema 'Nurturing Care' zwischen 31.7-2.8.2017, Genf

Article Text

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2017-08-23 12:38:53

Endkonferenz des ICF-CY Meduse Projektes im April 2018 in Hamburg

Zwischen 12. und 13.4.2018 erfolgt die Endkonferenz im Rahmen eines finalen Multiplier-Events an der Medical School Hamburg.

In Workshops und ICF-CY Einführungskursen werden die Hauptergebnisse des Projektes einer interessierten Internationalen Fachöffentlichkeit präsentiert.

Anfragen an: janneke.brandt@medicalschool-Hamburg.de

   Author: Janneke Brandt; Last edited: 2017-06-14 17:39:53

Kick off Veranstaltung des Projektes 'http://teilhabe-verbessern.de' am 7.2.2017 in Schwerte

Die MSH zeichnet in diesem Projekt, in dem es auch um ICF-CY Schulungen für Frühförderstellen und I-Kitas in Nordrhein/Westfalen geht, für einen Teil der Trainings verantwortlich. Diese Trainings werden von 7 neu - an der MSH zwischen Oktober 2016 und Februar 2017 - ausgebildeten ICF-CY Trainerinnen in unterschiedlichen Modellregionen NRW durchgeführt.

Die TrainerInnenausbildung orientierte sich am konsolidierten BundesVIFF/DGSPJ lernergebnisbasierten Curriculum.

Finden Sie den Einleitungsvortrag von Prof. Pretis hier als pdf-link

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2017-02-23 08:51:48

Orginalton-Rückmeldungen der TeilnehmerInnen am Multiplierevent,

23.12.2016, ATEMPO, Graz

„Es war interessant“

„War gut und hat auch Spaß gemacht“

„Mir hat es gut gefallen“

„War gemütlich“

„Es war sehr informativ und man konnte dadurch sehr viel Neues erfahren und dazulernen“

„War eine neue Erfahrung für mich“

„War sehr interessant und habe Neues dazugelernt“

„Es war sehr interessant und ja“

„Es hat mir sehr gut gefallen über die Gesundheit und das alles zu reden“

„Welche Probleme man hat, es war interessant über die Gedanken zu sprechen, damit man etwas dazulernt.“

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-12-15 12:36:44

UNICEF Stakeholder and professionals presentation on ICF-CY in Sofia (28.10.2016)

Based on an Invitation by UNICEF Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Pretis gave 2 Workshops in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Goal of These 2 Workshops (one for stakeholders - one for professionals and academics) was to increase knowledge and understanding of ICF-CY

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-11-01 19:21:14

ICF-CY 'Train the Trainer'-course started in Hamburg

Based on a cooperation with a Project consortium in Nordrhein-Westfalen MSH was asked if we can 'train trainers' who will provide training courses in spring 2017 in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany).

Based on a preliminary draft of the BundesViFF-Curriculum the first training session started with 15 Trainees on october 11th.

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-10-15 06:07:48

ICF-CY MedUSe Multiplier Events in Hamburg

2 ICF-CY MedUse Multiplier Events were performed on Oct 11th an Oct 14th in Hamburg. 50 participants intensively exchanged their opinions about the General philosophy and usability of ICF-CY in pediatric practice, Early Childhood Intervention and inclusive kindergardens.

Due to the high interest of participants in Northern Germany an additional Mulitplier Event is scheduled on Nov 22nd.

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-10-15 06:04:36

Mu.tiplier-Event in Skopje, 18.2.2016

Together with representatives of the Ministry of SocialAffairs, Healrth, Assoication of Special educators and UNICEF General Information about ICF-CY and the Project are shared and common strategies (in Terms of usage within the context of classification of disabilty and assessment are discussed

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-09-02 23:09:52

Mainstreaming Event, 17.2.2016, Skopje

Together with represenatives with UNICEF Macedonia and Association PORAKA strategies of Long-term implementation of ICF-CY in Macedonia are discussed. Participants Highlight the necessity of a common transparent and understandabl language for all stakehlder (parents, soical workers, MDs, therapists, psychologists, Special educators and other relevant personsin the Team AROND the child)

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-09-02 23:09:52

ICF-CY sustainability Meeting in Skopje, Macedonia, 22.3.2016

Together with high rank representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affair, Health Macedonian Health INsurance and representatives of diverse Service Providers, Researchers and Parents a presetnation was given on March 22.3.2016 at UNICEF-Office in Skopje by Manfred Pretis. Mainly Transfer possibilities of the ICF-CY practice translator towards the new strcture of dissability assessment in Macedonbia were discussed. Further Close cooperation is highlighted

   Author: Manfred Pretis; Last edited: 2016-09-02 23:09:52

Hamburg Uluslararası EĞİTİMDE ICF Konferansı Özet Bildiri Duyurusu

ICF CY MedUse Final Konferans

12-13 Nisan 2018 , Hamburg Almanya

Aşağıdaki linkten detayları görebilir ve başvurularınızı yapabilirsiniz.


   Author: Melek Sabuncuoglu; Last edited: 2018-01-05 22:10:02

4. Okulöncesi Eğitimi Günleri, 15 Eylül 2017 Eskişehir

Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Okul Öncesi Eğitimi Bölümünce düzenlenen 4. Okulöncesi Eğitimi Günlerinde ICF-CY ı konuştuk.

Çok heyecanlı ve keyifli bir birliktelikti. Katılan tüm öğretmenlerimizi tebrik ederiz.

   Author: Melek Sabuncuoglu; Last edited: 2017-09-26 09:06:26

5 Mayıs 2017

Erken Müdahale ve ICF-CY Eğitimi

   Author: Melek Sabuncuoglu; Last edited: 2017-05-11 11:54:03

Erken Müdahale'de ICF-CY İle Tanışıyoruz

13th April 2017
Hacettepe University 
Health Science Faculty
Child Development Department

   Author: Melek Sabuncuoglu; Last edited: 2017-05-03 16:30:33


Erken Müdahale'de ICF-CY İle Tanışıyoruz

İlk toplantımızı 18 Mart 2017 de, proje Paydaşlarımız olan Çocuk Fizyoterapistleri Derneği, Özel Eğitimciler Derneği ile birlikte gerçekleştirdik.

   Author: Melek Sabuncuoglu; Last edited: 2017-05-03 16:23:06

ICF-CY; using the tool in The Child Development Field

April 25, 2016. University of Hacettepe, Child Development Departments' Assistant Training Programme.

   Author: Melek Sabuncuoglu; Last edited: 2016-05-17 14:02:52

Uluslararası Katılımlı 3. Ulusal Disiplinerarası Erken Çocuklukta Müdahale Kongresi'ne (UDEMKO2016)

2th April, 2016 Eskişehir Turkey

   Author: Melek Sabuncuoglu; Last edited: 2016-04-04 15:05:30

25. Ulusal Özel Eğitim Kongresi Sunumu 2-4 December 2015

Uluslararası YetiYitimi
Sınıflandırması-Çocuk ve Genç
Children & Youth)
ve Alan Kullanımı

   Author: Melek Sabuncuoglu; Last edited: 2016-01-19 11:55:52


Article Texthttp://www.jser.fzf.ukim.edu.mk/index.php/component/content/article/226-2004/2004-3-4-articles/2032-implementation-of-international-classification-of-function-disability-and-health-in-field-of-pediatrics?highlight=WyJpbmRleCIsIm9mIiwiZGlzYWJpbGl0eSIsImluZGV4IG9mIiwib2YgZGlzYWJpbGl0eSJd



   Author: Adrijana Georgiev; Last edited: 2017-04-03 10:18:32

ICFCY-Meduse Project

